
by Robert Santafede
"Meridian", a color nature photograph by Robert Santafede.

Full color.

The selective color version of "Meridian" by Robert Santafede

Selective color, slight hue shift, and desaturation.

The black and white version of "Meridian" by Robert Santafede.

Black and white/monochrome.

I’m leaning more towards the original color version, mainly because of the way it shows the lighting better. I still plan on tweaking the monochrome to see if I can get the lighting to show through more.

55 Comments to “Meridian”

  1. The color photo just has so much more life and warmth than the other two. What a difference between all of them.

    • I agree, and thank you for using the word ‘warmth’. I swear I sat here for a good minute thinking of the right word but kept coming up with “lighting”! Ugh, my brain is fried for the day! But that’s the word I was thinking of. Thanks for your comment. đŸ™‚

  2. Yes, I definitely like the color better… also because of the hint of sunset above the horizon.

  3. I’m definitely with you on the full color. It has so much life! The touch of orange in the sky is such a delight!

  4. I go for the B&W version…

  5. As they stand the colour has more going for it, but if the mono could be “punched” up a bit I would probably go for that. (Punched is of course a well known technical term for mono shots đŸ˜‰ )

    • I understand, but if you punch this one up too much the branches become much more pixelated. In b&w, that’s where my eyes focus first. I have a feeling it will require increasing the saturation (or outright hue-change) on the grass towards the left corner in a new layer to have a more clear separation, then retoning it. I’ll have to play around with it a bit more. Thanks for your comment Adrian! đŸ™‚

  6. I like the selective color version đŸ™‚

  7. Yes, I like the selective color version, too.

  8. The b&w and monochrome washes out the contrast so I am going with the colour version.

  9. I like the selective color from my amateur eye. Color one is beautiful.

  10. Try creating the B&W with a red channel mask. It will keep that beautiful tone on the grass in the front and not lose the shadow detail.

  11. I do like the “warmth” in the color version, for me the B&W version really emphasizes the detail in the tree. The fine lines of the branches right down to the little twigs. Nice shot.

  12. I like the colored version the most also

  13. For three hours I was trying to think of your last name for that award, which you wouldn’t have taken anyway. Finally, there you are this morning, so I’m gonna update my post. Amy

    • Hi Amy. I’m sorry I haven’t been on here as much as usual, I’ve been pretty busy. I haven’t had a chance to check your post! (I know, I need a more simple last name! :))

  14. I like the B&W version best here just because of the simplicity. Nice shot either way, though.

  15. The world may change but not the tree is a testament to its resolve.

  16. I agree that the color shows off the lighting better…but the monochrome IS very Ansel Adams!!

  17. Dear Robert, I loved all of them, they all have their own touches with the light and shadows… You did so artistic captures… Thank you, love, nia

  18. Love the delicacy of the colour version; the soft transitions in the sky, the delicate branches and the way the light brings out the detail in the grasses. Also like the different luminosity in the sky in the mono version where the grasses need to come up a little more. The selective colour version…. does it need a tinge of colour in the ground area, perhaps. Three different moods each successful but as they stand the first sings it for me. Playing around with the luminance of the colour channels in the mono versions may yield interesting possibilities. Thanks Robert for showing all three.

    • Thank you, John! I find it interesting that you mention the grass.. I like the way it looks in the selective color version, but not in total b&w. I think I may end up over-saturating (or hue-shifting the oj/red/green/yellow) the grass before toning it, in raw before in PS. I think that will balance it out a bit better. Will take some more finagling for sure though. đŸ™‚ Thanks as always for your thoughtful comments!

  19. LOVE the full color but the selective color shows promise. đŸ™‚

  20. ¡Me gustan las tres!, abrazos

  21. Love the color one more. Would still work on the b&w version though, agree with you. Great shot!

  22. I agree with the full color – you can’t beat that (I’m assuming early morning?) light!

    • Thank you, Lois! Amazing how natural lighting during certain hours really transform the scene. This was around 7pm, but it easily could’ve been early morning. I’m just a night owl! đŸ™‚

  23. Hmmm, hue shift looks bleak to me. Like the original colour, but think the b & w might come to life with a bit more contrast. I want to say saturation, but does that really go with monochrome? Composition is grand with the little buddy bush to the right.

    • Admittedly, I like that about the hue-shift (looking bleak). đŸ™‚ I always find it interesting to give the same photo different emotions via color (or lack of). I know what you’re meaning about the black and white version, still a work in progress. Thank you for your comment, behrm!

  24. Thanks for posting. You’ve given me a couple of ideas to work with.

  25. B&W FYI I have found in lightroom the tone curve slider & presence sliders are the best tools for me to use and not get into bringing out the grain. Not to mention you loose the fine neuances of B&W when you post (sometimes). The select color is #1 for me. Great job. I bet you get the B&W to work just like you want it.

  26. It’s very beautiful, I really love the first and second one.

  27. Are you still posting. Have received no notifications long time.

  28. Each beautiful and I particularly love the middle one..

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